Ulysses Funmaries!

Each Wandering Rocks team member (or “hero”) who takes on a chapter from Ulysses does so utilizing the following process…

  1. A hero starts by with one tweet summaries of each page as the hero goes through the chapter (using the Wandering Rocks Twitter account).
  2. Then, whenever the hero determines, the hero will write a post on whatever reading the hero has completed (for the day or week), summarizing the events and also talking about whatever occurs to the hero in the reading.
  3. Finally, once the hero has completed the chapter, the hero will write a funmary (”fun summary”) of the entire chapter, taking more of a long view of the chapter, how it functions in the book and its larger themes.

It’s up to the hero the pace of the reading and the length of the posts. Some of us went so far as to write previews for our reviews.

Not a lot of academic rigor is demanded. We  keep it light and interesting in order to at least marginally understand what’s going on.

You are thoroughly encouraged to join us, or to use our posts as a highly unreliable and irresponsible guide for your own reading.

Here’s a running list on our Ulysses review, in the order they where posted:


One Response

  1. I’ve just discovered your site via Lisa Hill, but it seems you are no longer twreading Ulysses. Is that right? What happened and is there any interest in revitalizing the project? I’m a first time reader, reading with a group at the Rosenbach Museum & Library – home of the Ulysses manuscript – and would love to jump in.


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